Child of Mary

Child of Mary2012-03-27T15:37:28+00:00

HyperDo created the Child of Mary site as a donation pageĀ  for America Needs Fatima. The site spares donors from confusion and hassle and promises them high-end security during each and every online transaction. Since creating the site, America Needs Fatima has seen a significant increase in generated revenue among their apostolates, thanks to the many features of Child of Mary.

This is because Child of Mary provides instant feedback when there’s an error in any field – a donor will see a message indicating which field requires input. Child of Mary also communicates with the server, so the donor will be notified immediately about any forgotten fields or incorrect credit card information.

Child of Mary allows donors the choice of recurring billing or single payments, thanks to, and is PCI compliant. It is also integrated with CRM (customer relation management software), so all data is archived in a retrievable source and can be updated at anytime. Child of Mary also allows America Needs Fatima to track who has made donations and generate IRS reports from this site.

The results of Child of Mary are secure, hassle-free donation for the donors, and a source of generous revenue for America Needs Fatima.

HyperDo built this site using:

  • AJAX
  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • MySQL